These are some of the Activities and Clubs open to WSHS students covering a wide range of interests. In the list that follows, you will find the club name, a brief description, the Advisor’s name and meeting time/place. If you are interested in joining a club, please see the Advisor, who can provide more details and answer any questions you have.
Ms. Charron
Every Thursday 2-3:15pm B115
Artists are invited to use variety of media and materials to be creative and expressive in a comfortable and friendly environment. Have an idea? Great! Need an idea? We've got those in B115. Everyone is welcome, bring your friends!
Mr. Bernard - Rm B133
Fridays - 2:10-3pm
The "As Schools Match Wits" team meets every Friday after school to practice. It might be better to call the group the Trivia Club because there are a lot of people who participate in the practices but never get on ASMW(there are only four slots for the TV show each year). After we tape our annual appearance on TV, we meet less frequently to prepare for other contests such as our annual match against the Rotary Club and our participation in the Partnership for Education. All are welcome to join and "trivialize" with us!
Ms. Scheiern Rm. A1152:15-3pm
Second & Fourth Mondays (except when there is a change to the regular school calendar)
The purpose of the Bible Club is to give students (and staff) an opportunity to learn more about who God is and how we can apply God's Word in the Bible, to our everyday lives.All who attend will have the chance to share their thoughts about each lesson during our conversations, as well as how the scriptures can relate to their strengths and struggles in life.
Ms. Damseaux & Mrs. Howard - Rm. B311
Wednesdays - 2-2:30pm
Develop leadership skills in business activities, like marketing school merchandise and organizing fundraising events.Create interest in and understanding of business.Encourage student members to develop projects that contribute to the school and community.Encourage and practice efficient money management.Help students to develop occupational goals and transition from school to work.
Mr. Leahy - Rm. A035
The Chess Club is an interactive club that meets the chess players at his/her level. Beginners are taught the basic movements of the pieces and basic game strategies. More advanced players play in bi-weekly tournaments and work on refining advanced strategies. The club also plays once in an annual chess tournament against surrounding schools at a designated site.
Ms. Berrelli - Rm A222
Every other Monday October-February, every Monday March-June 2:05pm
The Conservation/Outdoor Club is made up of a diverse group of students who enjoy a variety of outdoor activities and bettering the environment we live in. The club's goals are to explore and protect the natural world. Members work together on projects such as simply helping the school's recycling program and campus clean-ups, to city wide Earth Day activities, to educating the student body about global environment issues. We aim to increase student concern for the environment by participating in activities that will help them appreciate the outdoors. Our activities provide the opportunity for students whose experiences in the outdoors range from never having gone on a hike, to those that find themselves looking for more challenging outdoor adventures. These activities include: hiking (sometimes under a full moon) caving, backpacking, camping, rafting and climbing. We encourage all students, no matter their experience level, to participate!
Mrs. K. Garner - Rm. B016
Mondays 2:15pm
The Creative Writing Club provides students with the opportunity to meet with other students who also express interests in writing creatively. Students share works they have created independently as well as work collaboratively with other club members to produce written works. Students write in a variety of creative modes, including short fiction, dramatic skits, poetry, etc. The Creative Writing Club is student-led; therefore, club activities are selected according to students' writing interests.
Mrs. Svec & Mr. Garner
The Drama Club produces two shows each year; a play in the Fall and a musical in March. We also sponsor talent shows from time to time and we are considering student-directed one-act plays in the future. The Drama Club is a wholly student-run endeavor in which students act, build sets, learn to run and design sound and lights, create posters, run publicity, sell tickets and run the show. Faculty and alumni advisors guide club members toward learning how to run a theatrical organization and to produce a show from start to finish.
Ms. Jessica Moore
The Foreign Language Club offers foreign language students opportunities to explore world cultures and to use the languages they are studying to celebrate holidays throughout the year.
Mr. Brunelle - Any of WSHS Fitness Room 2-3pm
Mon, Wed & Thurs (starting in Nov)
The purpose of the Fitness Club is to promote knowledge of strength and conditioning training and to give students an opportunity to pursue their fitness goals in a safe, supervised setting.Members of the Club may train individually, with their peers or with the staff supervisor.In addition, members may work with staff in order to develop a training regimen that will help them achieve their personal fitness goals.
Mr. Rivera - Rm A214
Wednesdays - 2pm
The GSA(Gay/Straight Alliance) is a student run organization that functions to promote a safe school for all students. In addition, the club hopes to serve as resource for LGBT youth and the high school community. Club meetings offer a safe and confidential space for students to meet and support each other. GSA also sponsors several activities for the school at large, such as the Day of Silence, Ally week and the safe school poster contest. GSA student members may attend conferences to learn about health, activism, themselves and to connect with other students.
Mr. Garner - Rm. B013
Mondays - 2-3pm (except half days or holidays)
The Guitar Club a club where all musicians are invited to come and share their knowledge, interests, ideas and talents with other musicians. It is a place where people can talk about musicians and artists who influence their own work. It’s a place where groups can get together and figure out that song you’ve been trying to play for the last 2 weeks. It is a place where people can work on developing their own songs or practicing playing covers. It would be a goal of mine to see this club generate a number of players who would be interested in exploring opportunities to perform in front of audiences inside and outside of the school.
Mr. Stan Svec - Rm. A015
The History Club is about History. The stuff that gets in the movies and the stuff that gets left out. Students in the History Club will work with Mr Svec and other special guests in exploring the entire field of History, from Archaeology and Material Culture, through on site work at the Josiah Day House, Storrowton and other local sites. Living History Training, Book Discussion, Documentary Film Creation, Simulation Gaming and more all have a part in the club. It is really driven by student interest.
Mrs. Shamis White & Ms. Sawyer - Rm. A118
Meets monthly on various days
The mission of the Irish Cultural Club is to be partners with the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England and to promote the Irish culture within our school
Ms. Anita Moore
Every Thursday - After school
The purpose of the Key Club is to improve the community, country and world through community service.
The Key Club has put on many charity events and have a strong group of students behind them. The club has an active role in the community; whether it is putting on a school dance or serving food for the community.
Mrs. Foisy - Rm. A110
Tuesdays held @ Various high schools
Mathletes is a club for students who enjoy mathematics and want to compete against teams from local high schools in the areas of number theory, algebra I, geometry, algebra II, pre-calculus and trigonometry. Our meets are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month from September through February.
Mrs. Teodorescu & Mrs. Fay - Rm A118 2pm
1st Monday of every month
National Honor Society celebrates students' academic achievements as well as community service.
Ms. Toy Location:Central Rock Gym in Hadley
Wednesday from late September to mid-November
Rock Climbing Club is great for building teamwork skills.Students work cooperatively in teams of two; one student climbs while the other student belays and then lowers the climbing student back to the ground.Rock climbing also promotes problem solving skills, as students have to figure out the best approach from a climbing each wall.
Robotics Club meeting times will increase as we approach the Competition Season, which begins in January. During Competition Season, we might five nights a week plus Saturdays so we can design, build and program robots for competition.We need people of all kinds to help with building, programming, planning, community outreach and business tasks, among other things.We welcome everyone - you don't have to be a nerd or want to go into Computer Science to be part of the club!
Mrs. McDonnell - B212
Thursdays 2:05pm
National Organization Students Against Dangerous Decisions(SADD). SADD's mission is to provide students with the best prevention tools possible to deal with issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving and destructive decisions.
Mrs. Foisy - Rm. A110
Six consecutive Thursdays beginning in January
Ski/Snowboard Club is a social club for students interested in skiing and snowboarding. The club meets once for an organizational meeting in the Fall and then for six weekly outings to ski/snowboard at Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort in Hancock, MA. Students can learn or improve their riding skills with Jiminy's learn to ride package with six one-hour lessons at $5 per lesson.
Ms. Czernich - Rm. A311
1st Wednesday of every month
The Spanish National Honor Society is dedicated to recognizing academic excellence and promoting the continued study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. To qualify for admission to the Society, students must earn a grade of ninety or higher for three semesters of high school Spanish. Accepted applicants are then inducted into the SNHS and will be given proper recognition at graduation. The members who earn a final average of ninety or higher in a Spanish IV or AP Spanish class, also may wear the official SHH sash at graduation. As long as member are enrolled in a Spanish course, they may submit work to the SHH for possible publication, travel and academic scholarships and other prizes. The SNHS meets occasionally throughout the year to discuss these opportunities, review policies and induct new members.
Mrs. Vennerri & Mrs. White - every other Wed
Mr. Brown & Mrs. Sibilia
Wednesdays Rm A210
Mr. Brown - Rm A210
Fridays - 2-3pm
WSHS Democrats is a local chapter of the High School Democrats of America and works with the West Springfield Democratic Committee. The students participate in a variety of activities and activism, meet and work with local, state, and federal level politicians, volunteer on campaigns, attend or volunteer at a variety of events and conventions.
Mr. Steve Svec - Rm. A121
Every other Thursday 2:10pm
The wildlife club is for students interested in learning about plants, animals, their interactions and their ecology through discussions and field trips both on campus and off.
Mr. Bernard - Rm. B133
Wednesdays - 2:10-3pm
The Yearbook Club produces a yearbook every year and that is a hugely creative undertaking! There are also complicated logistics; we must get photographs of everyone and everything as well as make sure they are laid out well and captioned correctly. We also must sell ads, market and distribute yearbooks and hold fundraisers. There are lots of jobs in the Yearbook Club -- photographers, editors, event planners, business managers and marketers! All are welcome to come join the Yearbook Club!!Seniors:Be a part of your 2016 yearbook! Here's all the latest information and the 2016 Yearbook Order form
2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month
Multi-purpose room